He’s got the strongest work ethic out of probably any kid I know! And thank goodness because this kid’s got some monstrous ambitions!
From acing high school, then straight to the Air Force, to college after that and on to owning his own businesses. He wants to be a farmer, poor concrete on the weekends with a buddy and I’ve even heard NFL goals tossed around a time or two!
But it’s all just silly kid dreams right?
Until he sees himself like this!
And as he sits up a little taller, he talks about how it looks like one of those pictures you see in a magazine along with a famous person’s interview... like he IS that cool NFL player who owns a farm and probably kicked some butt in the Air Force.
Here’s to fueling confidence for our kids! May he always see THIS version of himself when he looks in the mirror. May they always remember how much they are capable of and have the confidence to go out and work hard for it!!